Ubisoft kindly supplied us with review code for the next-gen version of Rayman Legends, which arrived with us on February 21st. We have since replayed a large portion of the game, and even went back to our PS3 copy of the game for a little comparison. Today, we will be offering a quick review of the next generation versions of the game, and looking at how they differ from the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the platformer.
If you would like to know in-depth details about the game, and our thoughts on the levels and gameplay, please take a look at our original review of the game, which applies to PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita and PC, however, many elements will remain static between these versions and the PS4/Xbox One versions.
To be perfectly honest, there are only minor differences between the PS3/PS4 versions of the game, and likewise with the Xbox 360/Xbox One versions. Rayman Legends is one of the best platformers in recent memory, and the game has always offered stunning visuals using the UbiArt framework. Even on the PS3/360 versions of the game, we saw 1080p visuals running at 60FPS. What more of an upgrade could you ask for?
Well, there is one place the team were able to make an improvement: compression. On the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game, the textures and artwork was compressed to allow the game to run at the stunning 1080P resolution with a constant 60FPS. With the additional power of the new consoles, Ubisoft were able to reverse this compression and display the textures in more or less their original form. This results in slightly more vivid visuals, which are sharper than before.
This use of uncompressed textures results in even higher levels of detail, and improve on the already beautiful artwork the game presented upon its release last year. It looks exceptional, and is, without a doubt, the most impressive platformer on the next-gen consoles this far. However, while there is a noticeable improvement, it is not a major one and is not worth re-purchasing the game for. However, if you are buying LEGENDS for the first time, a next-gen version is certainly the way to go.
Of course, the ability to take a screenshot/video and stream the game (on the PS4 at the moment, soon to be available on Xbox One) is another positive associated with buying a next-gen version. This allows you to share the beautiful artwork of the game with friends, and perhaps recommend it to them (if you are so inclined). One new character is available on the PS4, while three are added to the Xbox One version. These, however, only add new skins and do not change gameplay.
The PS4′s touchpad has been given a few minor uses in the game, and while they may be minor, it is nice to see it incorporated. Finally, the most noticeable improvement is the lack of loading times. They are more or less completely absent on the next-gen versions of the game and this improves the overall performance of the game. Again, a minor improvement, but a noticeable one nonetheless.
Overall, if you are purchasing the game for the first time, a next gen version is definitely the way to go, however, the improvements do not truly justify a second purchase of the game if you have already experienced it on a console. Despite this, it remains one of the best platformers of recent times, and is a must play for all gamers. The PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game have been priced at the same rate as the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, and are available now in stores.